Monday, January 28, 2013

Snow Rhymes With Tow

With the recent snowfall we've received here we would like to remind you that we do not allow non-motorized, non-moving, non-operable or un-licensed vehicles to be parked in the lots. All vehicles must be moved on a regular basis to allow for necessary snow removal

Vehicles that are in violation of this Community Policy are subject to be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.

Our staff works hard to ensure a safe environment during the winter months by continually plowing and salting walkways and roads during times of snow, but it is still important to use caution while walking on side walks, going up and down stairs and entering or exiting your vehicle. Proper footwear with non-slip tread is vital to surviving a Minnesota winter!

Enjoy the beautiful snow, but be careful out there!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Howling At The Moon And Snowshoeing

When's the last time you took a moonlit walk with snowshoes strapped to your feet? Next week you'll get your chance if you sign up for the Full Moon Snowshoe Hike at Lebanon Hills Regional Park. Lebanon Hills Park is a hidden gem in Dakota County, with miles of cross country, hiking and snowshoeing trails. The park is located at 860 Cliff Road, Eagan, MN.

On Friday, January 25th, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM there will be a guided snowshoe hike under the full moon. There's also a beginner cross-country ski lesson for adults scheduled for Sunday, January 20, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Registration is required for both events, and equipment is included in the registration fees. Can't make the sessions? You can rent equipment at Lebanon Hills and explore when your schedule allows.

So, if you're tired of feeling cooped up inside this winter, get some warm clothes on and head out to Lebanon Hills to make the most of this season.

Learn more about the programs offered at the park by visiting their calendar here

Friday, January 11, 2013

Staff Spotlight: Meet Jackie!

Jackie is a new member of the Salem Green Staff and is the caretaker for the 1405 building. She grew up in Circle Pines, Minnesota. Jackie has lived in this area now for 27 years, which, as it happens, is the number of years she has been married to her husband, Bill. Jackie and Bill have two daughters and four grand-kids. Jackie chose to live at Salem Green because it is close to her family, has heated underground parking, great swimming pools, spacious floor plans with a breakfast bar and a large balcony. She enjoys her job as Caretaker for the 1405 building because she gets to meet new residents and work independently.

When Jackie isn't working she enjoys spending time with her family and playing her luck at either Little 6 Casino or Treasure Island Casino. She also likes watching a favorite movie and cooking one of her favorites, either Lasagna or Roast beef. If you see Jackie around make sure to say "Hello."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Resident Highlight: Meet Juan!

For our next edition of our Resident Highlight column we'd like to introduce you to Juan. Juan moved to Salem Green in October. He chose to live here because we had concrete construction, friendly staff, great amenities, and convenient access to freeways for work. Juan's passion right now is his work as a insurance agent. He is currently setting up his business plan to buy and then own two insurance agencies. He loves his work because he gets to meet so many new people. 

When Juan is not working he enjoys spending time with his friends and family. You could find them all together at the movies, playing hockey, getting a steak and lobster dinner or watching one of his favorite Minnesota sports teams play. Make sure to say "Hello" to Juan if you see him around.

We're so glad Juan chose to live at Salem Green!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Crashed Ice Returns To St. Paul

The crazy sport of 'Ice Cross Downhill' is returning to St. Paul beginning Friday, January 25. The steep, icy course starts next to the Cathedral of St. Paul and swoops over the steps of the Cathedral, up a 16 foot wall and over multiple bumps. And the athletes race along the track wearing ice skates. It's just about the craziest race you'll ever witness. One of the great things about living at Salem Green Apartments is our proximity to events in the Twin Cities like Crashed Ice.

The event runs from January 25 to January 26, check out the website here for times for elimination rounds and the final race. Last year was the debut of Crashed Ice in the United States and the race course returns to the steps of the Cathedral for the 2013 season. The event draws competitors from across the country and the world and some of the top contenders are from Minnesota. The Crashed Ice race in St. Paul is just the first of a series of international Ice Cross Downhill competition; cities in the Netherlands, Canada, and Switzerland also host a Crashed Ice event.

The course goes right over the steps of the Cathedral of St. Paul.

Watch out for those bumps!

Friday, January 4, 2013

January Holidays Include Birthdays For Elvis And Martin Luther King Jr.

January is the start of the New Year and new beginnings. For most of us it starts with our resolutions. Let’s start the year with a look at what holidays we can look forward to celebrating this month.

January 1st New Year’s Day: 
The first day of the year is traditionally a time to make resolutions to better yourself in the coming year.  It may be quitting a bad habit or beginning a good habit. Most resolutions take some perseverance, so if you do slip, keep with it and keep your focus on your goals.

January 8th Elvis Presley’s Birthday:
Born on this day in 1935 the King of rock and roll would have been 78 years old. Elvis’s legacy has transcended generations and he is still one of the most influential musicians of all time. He wasn’t just about rock and roll, he was also a legend with country music fans; but his true passion was with gospel music. In honor of the King listen to one of his songs today.

January 21st Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday: 
Although Dr. King was born on January 15th, 1929, we celebrate the civil rights leaders’ birthday on the 3rd Monday of January. It is more than celebrating his birth; we are celebrating his life and his legacy. Dr. King was one of the greatest social activists of all time, in fact he won the Nobel Peace Prize at age 35, making him the youngest winner of the prize. Most Americans have heard excerpts from Dr. King’s famous “I have a dream” speech. His family recommends that his birthday be celebrated by giving back to the community.

January 23rd National Handwriting Day:
If you have had just about enough "lol, idk, brb," and emoticons, there's a holiday for you! National Handwriting day pays homage to the dying art of the handwritten note. A thoughtful text or email can be nice to receive, but if you take the time to craft a handwritten note it makes it that much more special.

January 25th Opposite Day: 
Don’t celebrate this holiday. It is no fun. It is not confusing or frustrating at all.  I think you get the idea of how this holiday works. But seriously, who didn't love playing opposite day as a kid? With as fun as it is, it is also frustrating, up is down, left is right, no is yes, good is bad… oh boy, if your kids get wind of this one, watch out!

January 31st Inspire Your Heart With Art Day:
This is a great day to take the time to enjoy the things that make life beautiful. Great art can make us reflect our own lives; it can challenge us emotionally, or just bring a smile to our face. So visit a museum, or listen to music today. And remember that art come in many forms such as paintings, sculptures, photography, music, stage-acting, screen-play, and even in food.